Last night myself and Chris (My Instructor) went on our first night cross country. It took approx 4 hours en route, with 3 stops. Lac Du Bonnett which is a pretty cool airport, because it is actually a large float plane base with several float planes parked, and docked. From there we went to St. Andrews for fuel, then over downtown Winnipeg just to circle a couple of times and site see, then to Portage (SouthPort). Portage is where the Canadian military does there primary flight training, then it was time to head back home. We didn't arrive back in steinbach till about 12:13AM.
This is just a picture of the trailing edge of the weather that kept us grounded all weekend.
This is what the cockpit looks like at night, except camera's don't have very good night vision, so it as actually much easier to see then this picture would depict.

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