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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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September 29th & 30th
Today was a fairly uneventful day, aside from the winds, and lack of wind sock. In the past 48 hours at some point the winds were strong enough to snap the pole of the windsock, so it has been laying on the ground all day, on one of the days where it would have been MOST useful since I have been here. When there are any crosswinds here, they blow over, around, and through trees that line each side of the runway, this is turn creates quite a nice bit of turbulence on approach and low to the ground. Generally the last place you want to be being thrown around. I spent 2 hours flying today, mostly doing some instrument work up at altitude, but we also did about 8 take-offs and landings. Those were interesting...but a very good challenge.

Last night myself and Chris (My Instructor) went on our first night cross country. It took approx 4 hours en route, with 3 stops. Lac Du Bonnett which is a pretty cool airport, because it is actually a large float plane base with several float planes parked, and docked. From there we went to St. Andrews for fuel, then over downtown Winnipeg just to circle a couple of times and site see, then to Portage (SouthPort). Portage is where the Canadian military does there primary flight training, then it was time to head back home. We didn't arrive back in steinbach till about 12:13AM.
This is just a picture of the trailing edge of the weather that kept us grounded all weekend.
This is what the cockpit looks like at night, except camera's don't have very good night vision, so it as actually much easier to see then this picture would depict.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
First Weekend
So yesterday and today were no fly days for me, I was scheduled to do a cross country yesterday but the ceilings (clouds) were to low, and today a bunch of us were going to take 3 or 4 planes to a favourite burger stand in Beausejour, about 25 mins north east of where I am, but again the weather was pretty bad, so we cancelled the trip. The picture attached below is of a Pitts S2B, its a famous stunt plane that you would most likely see doing aerobatics at an airshow. It is owned by the school, and for $208, you can go up for a 30min ride in it!

And this is a photo of me (well, the plane i'm flying) doing a touch and go! It was taken by one of the dispatchers here at the school

Thursday, September 24, 2009
First Two Days of Flying
So yesterday was my first day of flying, and my first flight over flying a Citabria (Tail Dragger). So like normal for getting checked out on a different type of airplane, you go up and do some upper air work, such as spins, spirals, stalls, steep turns, etc... So being my first flight over the ever so flat Prairies, my instructor ( Chris ) asked me to find out where we were on out map, and while i was looking proceeded to ask if I had ever been upside down before....So I answered no! He then proceeded to take us throw a perfect 1G barrel roll, where the map I was holding didn't even leave my hand. Later that evening, I started my night rating which consisted of one hour of just circuits ( so practice taking off and landing) This was certainly a different experience but definitely fun!! I have been for a 40 minutes cross country flight today, from Steinbach to St. Andrews and back. Spent one hour of circuits in the Citabria,which at the end of, after only being in the airplane for two hours, and done about 10-12 circuits, I was offered a solo trip!!!! I chose to take it next time were out! Iam currently on my way to work on some instrument work in the Simulator for an hour!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
First Day of Flying + Pictures
So, its the morning of the 23rd (First day of flying). I spent all day yesterday getting groceries, and settling in, taking some pictures, and getting to know the guys in my trailer etc... Todays schedule is pretty nice though, because I don't have to go anywhere till 1:00 for a briefing, then fly at 3:30, my first flight of my tail dragger checkout in an aerobatic rated Citabria!!! Then I get to go for my first night flight tonight at 8!! Below are the pictures that I took yesterday!
This is the site out my trailer window!

My next door neighbours across the street! lol

The runway as viewed from the road!

This is the site out my trailer window!
My next door neighbours across the street! lol
The runway as viewed from the road!
The never ending road out behind the school!
The flight school on your right, and their hanger on the left.
The first one on the left is my trailer, trailer #1.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The fun begins already!!
So I got an e-mail today saying that there was not available accomodations for me at the airport that I was planning on attending ( St. Andrews ) but that there would be a student leaving there soon, so would I mind going to Steinbach ( there other airport/campus ) for a couple of weeks until there is a room free'd up at St. Andrews. So I am going to Steinbach for the first week, or two, or maybe three, who knows. Then to St. Andrews following the completion of this other student who is currently occupying my room. LOL
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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