Sunday, October 10, 2010


So, for those of you who haven't been following this whole blog, or who don't know me personally, upon completion of flight training, I did some glider instructing for the summer with the local cadet Region Gliding School. Since then I have been watching all the online job postings, and slowly working on my resume, not with much motivation cause I hadn't found anything that I was interested in applying on. Until one day, while browsing avcanada's job postings I came across a Cessna 208 FO position. So the times posted were reasonable for somebody who has never held a flying job before, and it was based out of Halifax Robert Stanfield International Airport, in my home city! So that was my motivation to finish up the cover letter, and get that sent in! I applied on the job Thursday, and Friday evening I received a phone call from the Chief Pilot and the job offer after a small change in there aircraft lineup for the winter, and I was now gonna be flying a Piper Navajo.

Training began the following Tuesday with a couple days of intensive ground school on type specific information. That was followed by a rather unusual problem, although problems themselves aren't that unusual when flying a aircraft as old as the Navajo. We went to test the hydraulic pressure in the gear system during start up, and all we got was the gear warning horn going off in out ear, so by about eight o'clock that night, the problem was fixed and we got airborne the next day. 3 flights later, and 3 days later I had successfully completed a PCC on type, and was ready to start flying the line. Training finished Sunday, and Monday morning was the first day at work.