NO I can't fly for Air Canada yet! My Commercial License gives me the opportunity to fly for hire now, so I can technically work as a pilot, BUT coming straight out of flight school, I only have about 270 hrs and not alot of experience as far as most companies are concerned, which is pretty true. So the next step for me is to find a small charter operation, or a company that does remote area transportation of food, goods, etc. The key to these companies is, if your not carrying passengers, the insurance company doesn't mind them throwing a rookie in the left seat and letting them fly, which is how somebody in my position is going to get there first 1000 hrs. The first 1000 hrs as mentioned previous, is like the magic number in which companies like to see as a minimum when they hire a pilot. Quite often when you start out with a company you don't even start right in the airplane, you will start out as a rampy (Somebody working the ramp, loading, refueling, cleaning the aircraft, etc) and from there eventually earn your way up in the company which will hopefully result in a seat in the cockpit at some point. So right now I am still working on my resume which I plan to start sending out in the near future.
I am also heading back to Debert again this summer, to instruct on the Glider Pilot Scholarship that is held for those cadets who are interested in learning to fly! So that will be the majority of my summer, and immediately after my return from there I am hoping to be heading out to Calgary to compete in a competition that names the Top Amateur Pilot in the country (The Webster Memorial Trophy Competition). I find out the end of this month if I made the finals, I will keep you posted!
That is all for now, seeing as how this blog was started for my flight training, and that is over, I will keep writing whenever I get a chance, and it will end being more of my story as an entry level pilot, and all the experiences that will occur along the way!