So the day after our trip to Duluth, I took the warrior, which i had just gotten checked out on during the trip to Duluth, and decided to familiarize myself with it a little more, seeing as how i was taking it on a 7 hour journey the next day ( being the third big day!! ) So I headed in over Winnipeg city, and circled there for about 15 minutes getting some pictures of the city from overhead. A few of which I have attached below.
This third day, myself and one of the guys living the the trailer with me, embarked on a cross country to The Pas. If you have never heard of it, its okay, because its about 300 Nautical Miles ( 555 KM ) north of Winnipeg. This flight was to fulfill another criteria of the commercial license, which is a 300NM cross country from the point of departure, with a minimum of three stops on route. So we departed Steinbach at about 9:10, and flew direct to Easterville, about a 2hr and 15 min flight. Now easterville is a tiny little fishing community up north, so you can only assume, they don't have much of an airport. You can see for yourself via the pictures below, that that assumption is 100% percent correct. ( its the picture that more or less looks like i'm parked in the middle of no where ) As you can see, the "runway" is about 15 feet wide, and gravel, and actually turns into a road that goes into the little town if you backtrack to far with the airplane!! So upon getting our wheels up in easterville, we were then enroute to The Pas, which was about another 55min flight further north. We landed in The Pas no problem, until we got insdie the terminal by pushing a little red button, and then could not get back out to our airplane, because there was a number pad on the inside that we didn't know the code for! So after trying a couple of phone numbers that were supposedly the "Call for Fuel" numbers on a pay phone that was charging 50cents for each local call, we ventured over to a Environment Canada weather reporting station, in which the guy working inside called up the fuel truck for us, and within about 20 minutes, our airplane as filled up and ready to go. We finish having a little snack we had brought with us, because there is no food within 30 miles of the airport, and then headed back down south! Upon leaving The Pas, we were headed for Gimli, made famous by the Gimli glider in 1983 when an Air Canada flight made an emergency landing there. Upon landing in Gimli we were met by nothing other then some very nice old DC-3 airplanes owned by a company that use to fly cargo to the north, until Transport Canada shut them down. Other then that, the airport was very quiet. From Gimli, we ere headed on our last leg of our 7 hour trip, to St Andrews, Harvs Air's other campus, where the Warrior is based out of. We landed at St. Andrews at 5:45 making for a rather long and enjoyable day of flying! We were then picked up by one of the dispatchers from Steinbach, and driven back to Steinbach.
We even got so see a Northern Lights show on our drive back!!! It was a first for me!
I will try to keep you up to date, on progress in and amongst my studying, but I have alot to
study, so we will see how things go!!
This is the Red River flowing through downtown Winnipeg!

This below is a picture of the Esplanade Riel Bridge, one of the few of
its kind in the world, and it even has a restaurant in the middle of it!

This building below is the Manitoba legislature building.

The is the desolate little runway in Easterville, yes, that little gravel path on the left is the runway!!
We were amazed how nice the water looked on our way back home!!
Looks almost like tropic water!
DC-3s in Gimli!!